Fascinating crosswords and puzzles with a fair amount of humor that will never end.
A wide variety of crosswords, scanwords, as well as keywords, cellular, fieldwords, cross-puzzles, funny puzzles and much more.
Crosswords and scanwords of three categories of complexity, with a minimum of little-known words, designed for the widest range of fans.
Convenient management, intuitive interface, tips, minimum advertising, custom settings.
The problem with the lack of ads to receive tips has been
30-second nondisconnectable ads between crossword puzzles have been replaced with nondisconnectable.
Added funny puzzles.
* added cross-puzzle "Abracadabra"
* fixed faint text color in night mode on some devices
* improved interface in landscape orientation "In places", "Extra letter"
* fixed problems with advertising on some devices
* added cross-puzzle "By places"
* reduced the number of ads
* fixed problems with ads on some devices
* fixed crash problems on some devices with Android 10
* added cross-puzzle "Cross-pictogram"
* reduced the number of ads
* fixed the problem of incorrect application work on some devices
* fixed problems with freezing on some devices
* added 4, 6 and 8-letter honeycomb scanwords
* in crosswords and scanwords in the "Hints" button added the "Open word" button
* added a line with a question above the keyboard in scanwords
* added a button "Arrange letters" in keywords
* added a "Wheel of luck"
* fixed the problem of incorrect application work on some devices
* removed registration, ratings and duels, due to low interest in them
* fixed rare game crashes
* completing the solved crossword made more convenient and understandable
* corrected instructions and a link to the training video on the settings panel in the first letter crossword
* removed registration, ratings and duels, due to low interest in them
* added option to disable ads
Fixed some bugs in the application code.
To avoid confusion with crosswords in German, the name "German Crosswords" has been replaced with "1st Letter Crosswords".
Fixed a bug with zeroing crosswords.
The application code has been improved. The
interface has been simplified
as much as possible. The number of crosswords in each set has been increased to 100 pieces.
Improved application stability.
Updated design.
Fixed the display of difficult crosswords.
Fixed some problems with advertising.
The base of crosswords is updated.
Fixed some problems with showing ads
Updated database of crossword puzzles
Some bugs fixed.
The base of crosswords is updated.
1. Updated the database of crosswords. 2. Increased the size of crosswords. 3. Added hints for the demonstration of interstitial advertising (between crosswords).
--1. Fixed problems with video advertising. - 2. Fixed the problem of response of the keyboard buttons to the touch. - 3. Added tips for solved crosswords. --4. Increased the number of tips for viewing ads. --5. The base of crosswords is updated. - 6.It is possible, when updating from you, you will need to accept the permission "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" - this is normal and will not affect the operation of your device in any way.
Updated database of crossword puzzles
Eliminated repetitions of crossword puzzles
Updated database of crossword puzzles